A nipple that is implanted as a way to increase lactation in men. Normally handled through selective surgery by a urologist. Covered by medicare only in Indiana.
A man's wife is not capable of producing breast milk a urologist will take a skin graph of a testicle to produce a fully funtioning nipple that can be grown anywhere on the body. Normally implants start at the base of the neck and float to the middle of the forehead. Known as the floating nipple.
Where your nipples stay hard for an extended period of time.
"It's so cold outside that I'm going to catch nipple herpies."
a boy who contains aid infected clam juice in his tittys and has a very undersized peny weeny
oh you see clam nipples over there he mustve cam out of and ally with a black man named latrelle
Another term for a boob/breast/bazoinga
"I had your mother's nipple neighborhoods in my mouth last night, sucka!!!"
The protruding stub found on the upper surface of blocks of Lego and its imitations. Especially painful when you step on one at night.
"Jesus Fuck! I'm going to kill that kid!"
"What happened?"
"I just impaled my foot on a Lego's agony nipple! That kid is dead meat!"
When the nipple you're currently sucking on is so saggy and lifeless, that it feels like you're sucking on the tail of a deflated balloon.
Redneck Billy : "Girl yo mama got some massive jugs. But why do you have a Balloon-Tail Nipple? Like bitch what are you adopted or something?"
His Cousin Sister : "Nah I'm just lactose-intolerant."