When something(s) wack happens and you were a part or viewer of the wack experience.
you arrive a minute after Mcdonald's closes the breakfast menu and they will no longer serve you sausage and egg mcmuffins..."man that's wack shows."
An expression you use when you see someone you know down at the shops. This expression was founded in Knoxfield by a local legend, Aaron, who often gets ridiculed for owning the expression.
Random guy at shops: ‘Hey mate’.
Aaron: ‘High five, show me you’re alive’.
Random guy at shops meekly offers hand: ‘Yeah ok’
Bounce that ass
Bounce that ass
Bounce that ass
Guy 1: have you watched I show speed?
Guy: 2 shake that ass
Where your legs are sore from walking to much and get really stiff
I have Easter show legs
To have a whole troop of badge-wearers go to interact with someone, rather than just having one or two of "da area's finest" go talk to him.
Oftentimes a supposed "offender" is merely a meek harmless individual who likely hadn't actually been aware dat he'd broken da law --- or maybe even dat he'd offended anyone to begin with --- and so there's no need to "show up in uniforum" at his front door... most likely just having a single officer unobtrusively approach him and quietly discuss options would be more than sufficient!