A phrase used to describe the frustration of having one's ideas ignored or repeated by someone else who then takes the credit, particularly highlighting experiences of gender bias in professional settings
Person A: "We should implement a new marketing strategy for the summer."
Person B: "Hey everyone, I've got a great idea! Let's implement a new marketing strategy for the summer!"
Person A: "I just said that... I feel like a woman in a boardroom.
Definition 1: A meme within a meme
Definition 2: Similar to Woman ☕, it's used to describe gossip (the tea) that is cringe or nonsensical that is common or exclusive to women and their peers
guy 1 - "ayo, I got some woman 🍵 my girl just dropped"
guy 2 - "yo lemmie hear"
guy 1 - "her bestie recently keyed her ex's car cuz he cooked at home instead of taking her to a night out to eat and wanna to keep it lowkey and act all uwu to hide it"
guy 2 - "naw man, that don't fly here"
guy 1 - "hmph, women"
both guys - *drinking noises*
A rice woman is a person with extravagant taste in life however, their judgement has been clouded by a low quality packet rice man and therefore cannot see the other amazing rice cookers in life who were destined for her.
Person 1: have you seen how she has been acting like a rice woman lately
Person 2: I know i can’t believe what she has done
Is a trans woman before surgery below the waist.
Some celebrities like a woman with a piece of candy.
...she hides in a cave west of the Laskyar Ruins, which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I'm sure.
Find the albinauric woman to get a cool summon. Then summon her for the Sir Gideon Ofnir, The All-knowing boss fight to make his defeat more ironic.
A woman who deceives her partner into believing that he is the father of her child, while the biological father is someone else. This term is derived from the behavior of the cuckoo bird, which lays its eggs in other birds' nests, tricking them into raising the cuckoo's offspring.
"After years of thinking he was the father, John discovered his wife was a Cuckoo Woman and the child was someone else's."