when you plug your dick and let go leading to a water gun like hose.
Tis a gun full of male cum. It's pretty weak sauce. Or baby sauce i guess.
"Bro i put that cum gun right to her head and disappointed her so hard."
A play on “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, but in response to the growing number of school shootings being blamed on first- and third-person shooters.
Coined by the Act Man, “guns don’t kill people, lag does”, shows the irony of the situation we’re in, Luddites meeting up and talking about Grand Theft Auto.
getting humped in the arm by a man with a tiny dick
Who was that handsome fella mosquito machine gunning you?
Oh, that's my boyfriend, you should meet him.
Electrically driven Gatling guns used by the military in aircraft, vehicle and maritime applications to hose the enemy with an overwhelming volume of lead or depleted uranium rounds at rates of fire up to 6,000 rounds a minute.
When the Air Force's A-10 Warthog opens up with its Buzz Gun the enemy knows death comes on silent wings showing no mercy upon those fighters, who would dare to attack our Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines.