a very fun vr game in which you beat up everyone and they don't die....EVER!
hey, wanna beat me up in drunkn bar fight?
That late night boo that is always available at the local bar
I struck out earlier so ima holler at that bar boo
Another name for your closest bargain booze
Am just nippin bar boo, want out?
This was above the Uban dictionary. You just got bored that this is on how you have fun now.
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A doodie filled with corn usually enjoyed as an evening treat with a side serving of Sprite.
Brad: Hey man do you want to get a candy bar
Kevin: No way man I just want an Iowa Crunch Bar
When you’re at the pub and in between that moment of tipsy and drunk.
Kirra: You’re way too high
Tommy: Well I’ve got a bar high going