What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Michelle "Türkiye" Robles: The First Juvenile Release...《¤》...
First-cousin-thrice-removed (1C3R).
My first-cousin-3X-removed is a good person.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted tonperianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Boaz: The First Juvenile Release.
The grandchild-in-law of one's parent-in-law's sibling.
My first co-cousin-nibling-in-law is a good person.
😱: Gabriel Jesús Iglesias: The First Juvenile Release; The First Juvenile Release
The main public beach in Newport RI that is infamous for it's red seaweed. Locals steer clear from this beach and go to the private beaches like hazards and gooseberry instead. If they want the big beach experience, they go to Second Beach or Gansett instead.
Dude i picked up Megan and Kaylee after they had hockey practice and their bags made my car smell like first beach.