The ball in your but.
Charlie: My wisdom cherry is inflating
Rico: Fucken hot
Cherry sniping is the act of picking out a small section of an opponent's argument in a debate and focusing all attention on that specific argument in the response while discarding the rest.
The purpose of this is to shift the subject into a more easily-defendable position and deflect valid points made by the opponent.
Most commonly this occurs in cycles, with one participant's responses being asinine one-liners while the other's are educated and well-sourced, albeit lengthy.
If you're just going to keep wasting my time by cherry sniping, then why am I still here?
(adjective) When one is not thinking of the consequences of a dangerous action due to being in a state of excitement and full of energy, typically from the use of drugs/alcohol.
"I can't believe I crashed my dirt bike into a tree yesterday, I guess I was just getting a little too buck cherry out there"
When some gangster is hitting on your fly girl. Simple variation of sweet talk.
I do say old bean, did you know that Mathews was trying to cherry talk Susan last night.
The mortal rival of sprite cranberry
Tastes like cat piss
Drinking will cause you to be thanosed
Sprite cherry is the devils drink
Head for 4 fans of Ram charan, those 4 cheddies have each 40 backup accounts they are doing slavery for Expression less Tier-3 hero Ram charan..
Without sivacherry ram charan cannot survive So, for the sake of him those 4 cheddies always trying to steal credits like RRRmain hero Ram hassan, Man of cheddies Ram hassan, Ustaad Cheddy.....
Cheddy is the only hero to 0 share movie in overseas after an IH, Only hero in TFI to win golden Kela award.
Without mega mafia he can't survive
Siva cherry
A perk-a-cola originating from Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 on the Zombies map Mob Of The Dead and has appeared on Origins, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, Revelations and the (now removed) Call Of Duty: Mobile version of Shi No Numa.
Costing 2000 points it creates an electric burst around you as you reload, failing to finish a reload will prevent the burst from happening again until you finish a reload, the burst stuns zombies within a certain radius, a radius that increases with the amount of your magazine you've expended, so you get the best out of it after dumping a whole mag.
Upon downing with Electric Cherry as one of your perks you will emit an electric shock around you causing zombies to, get this, be stunned.
P1: Why are the zombies stunned?
P2: I have Electric Cherry.
P1: We're training.
P2: So?
P1: So? So don't use Electric Cherry
P2: Why?
P1: Because you've cornered yourself.
P2: Dude, revive me.
P1: Only if you grab a different perk.
P2: You want me to grab Deadshot?
P1: At this point yes!