a mean white person >:(
"Idk what u are ETHICALLY but its lookin like CRACKER"
Basically the N-word for white people
It's still Vanilla Ice, cracker. A.K. cracker.
Though I've grown a lot, can't keep it home a lot.
Caucasian with hooked nose.
Since only Caucasians have hooked noses, it's seen as a word exclusively for Caucasians, hence the racial connotation.
“racism against whites EXIST“
-stfu cracker still whiter than my wall sit down
The slur cracker comes from the 1800’s when American slave owners would whip their slaves. The sound of the whip made a cracking sound, and because of their low intelligence at the time of the majority, they referred to their master’s behind their backs as cracker
‘Master just cracked me on the back’
‘No. Cracker just cracked you on the back.’
Cockasian people used to crack the whip on niggers so niggas call white people crackers
A term for a really white person. Most of the time people use this term when calling a white guy a crackER with the hard R. I like using this word because its like the Buad word/ but for white people.
Fuck you CrackER