kyle is hmmm hot, cool, nicotine addict; alcohol. He is super quiet until he is with his stoner buddies in the school bathroom. he will fuck with your head till the day that you die but she he loves looking at some big ole TIDDIES.
omg kyle is so hot i'm going to send him a tittie pic :))
ummm kyle is hot, cool, funny, quiet, until he gets in the school bathroom with his stoner buddies.. He is a alcoholic and a nicotine addict. He is skinny n he only drinks monsters. He loves titties like titties are his favorite, if a girl got big tiddies they in his DMS
omg kyle is so hot i'm definitely sending him tiddie pics:)))
World's okays programmer and exceptionally average. Though slightly average in life still ranks above those named Robert or Marco.
If only I had a Kyle to program those adult toys.
Kyle, a Scorpio, is a long black haired metalhead man with a hell of a sense of humor. Even if he may be misunderstood or not appreciated because of his dry views on the world, he is more of a friend than you could ever ask for. He cares about you, even if he may show it in many eccentric ways. His eccentricity is what makes him special, and you should always appreciate him for it. He gives the best and well-thought out advice, and if feeling up for it he will provide you enough comfort for you to look back on for years.
Also, he has an impeccable taste in music, you’ll never be disappointed if you ask him for suggestions. An absolute demon in bed, you’ll find yourself waking up and feeling all at once every physical sensation that you went to bed having felt.
But even if he may be witty, he may be the life of a party and a decent figure to look up to, be mindful that he might need a friend too. Someone to be around when he’s not at his best, or when his anxiety gets the best of him. He always does his best, and sometimes because of it he neglects his own emotional health for those around him.
“That guy you’re always talking about, you’ve gotta introduce him to me”
“Oh, Kyle? I’d be absolutely pleased.”
Kyle is a guy whos immature and confused. He might break your heart, but that's only because he doesn't know how to handle it. He'll grow up and realize you two are perfect for each other. Aside from that, Kyle is dreamy. His eyes will make you melt, and his humor is unmatched, but only to a girl who gets it.
"Did you see Kyle over there flirting with ____"
"Yeah. Oh damn.. she looks pissed... I wonder what dumb shit he said this time
The female version of Karen.
Damn it, Kyle! Your name starts with a K, so do you want me to start calling you Karen?