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Gorilla Mode

To rape someone, specifically when a man rapes a woman
Originating from TurkeyTom

โ€œThat dude went gorilla mode on that girlโ€

by Dragneelu December 21, 2024

Jesus mode

Basically the opposite of sicko mode. Can be used when going to a place that you have to act socially acceptable, such as church or a funeral, or if you need to do good in a presentation or test for school.

"I'm about to go Jesus mode on the test."

by 241Bundalo March 21, 2019

Gay Baby Mode

The easiest most safe mode on a machine, game, or activity. If the activity risks no life, limb, or cost it is gay baby mode.

I want to play the most difficult mission in this game with my friends, but they only play on gay baby mode.

by March 7, 2024

test mode

a secret mode hidden in an electronic device that allows a manufacturer to test the product before it gets sent to the consumer

To access the test mode for the Yamaha PSR-19, hold down the first two white keys on the right while powering the keyboard on. Each button plays a note from C in the third octave up to G in the fourth octave. The power switch triggers the drum pads.

by bluestinger66 June 13, 2023

Fuck mode activate

When your about to have sex with a girl so you say fuck mode active and move some furniture around to make it suitable to have sex on

Yo bro is that girl still pulling up ?

Yea man fuck mode activate !!

by Mrdancodered94 November 22, 2020

Autismo Mode

Austismo Mode: When a mf is tweaking hard, resembling that of a sped kid.

-Holy shit John is going Autismo Mode!

-Damn he shouldn't have smoked that gas station pack

by WhenTheFred November 28, 2022

bug mode

to perform an action with exceptional degrees of focus and intentionality; to excel in an area of life; to be locked into a task

"bro you've totally been going bug mode lately"

by whiteboy_27 March 13, 2024

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