A red light with no one around.
I was at the corner, waiting for the light then it became a Boston green light (vrooooooom)(bang) (ouch)
1. When your asshole friends are being idiots--the act of numbing your senses with lavender scented candles, lavender oils, and other lavender-infused accoutrements to achieve relaxation.
2. To engage in max relaxin'.
It's only February 7th and I've lit the lavender two times already this month. D^:
Shark week. Time to light the lavender.
Used to define a person with no caractere, personnality who always is on the chase for trends to follow.
synon: shallow, hallow, superficial, vain, air head...
#1 Becky: OMG !! Natural lips are the new lip fillers.
Imane: Ohhh ! You are such an extra light Becky!
#2 Roger: Man, i fucked the bartender yesterday .. She was so hot and horny !!
Zachary: The details of your sexual escapades don't interest me Roger.. Extra light as usual hhhh
Roger: Extra salty as usual i see :p
Takes old man cock up his ass while noshin off his uncle
That bloke takes cock from the retirement home and sucks the smegma off his uncles cock, such a Paul Light
a car’s high beams
Yo, man turn off your long lights! That sh*t way too bright.
The sexiest motherfucker, you can fuck this bitch all you want. Every 4th grader starts beginning to love them, then it slowly descends into getting intimate and sexual with it. You can use it to strangle your victims and molest them, or just molest the pole itself.
Adolphus the great: I, the king, now disclose that I hereby am in love intimately with this attractive pole!
Light Pole:
Adolphus the great: *dry-humping sounds*
This is a term used to refer to someone that's observed or analysed something that has already been implied or is obvious.
Commentator of a game: Mumbai Indians lost the match due to their poor batting display.
David: Mumbai could've batted better.
David's friend: Why does this guy give his tube-light analysis all the time