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He is an amazing person he might have bad breath and has nappy hair but one day he will get shaved and be a GOD.

People might mess with him sometimes but he is a nice guy on the inside..... He also likes a girl named Hannah

Wow he is such a christian.

by GOFER!@# April 11, 2019


A person with a longest long shwan you will ever see. Its so long that coils up like a snake.

That dude is a christian, he has the longest long shwan

by Long shwan October 23, 2019


hes a type of person that has a heart but doesn't show it much. hes awesome,cute,down to earth,and an all around amazing guy thank you for all the Christians around the earth.

is ur name christian because you act like one

by christian!! January 23, 2019


A very nice guy he is very helpful and smart. He has a good sense of humour and a great taste in music. He is the best at playing the drums and you always want him in your music groups or anything else really he's very smart. We once got a lower score than the monkeys in our class and he stayed back to negotiate with our teacher to give us a higher score than them and we did so it's all g now.

Oh look there's Christian ask him to be in our group

by robert.issohot November 27, 2018


a young nimble man with nice manners but secretly likes too be brutally butt fucked

Christian likes it rough

by Saniityy January 13, 2022


A wonderful girl who is funny, cute, sweet, and beautiful on the inside and out. No matter what she always tries to keep a smile on her face. Her main goal in life is to make everyone smile. She is also loved by most people.

Christian has an amazing smile.

by Daniel stom February 14, 2018


A guy who’s Christian, Conservative, a fucking badass fatass, metal-head and ironically gay. Loves his fucking memes, football, and music

Idiot: Christian is such a fucking satanist with that music.
Smart person: No, metal isn’t fucking satanic, you pathetic fuck

by Stu_Dogg November 27, 2018