The sexiest part of a female. It can be fucked, slapped, squeezed, jiggled, kissed. The fun is never ending!
Tyler: Man! Did you see that big juicy bubble ass on Alice?
Jared: Yeah I wanna play with it all night.
(_!_) = Normal Ass
(__!__) = Big Ass
(!) = Tight Ass
(_?_) = Dumb Ass
(_E=MC2_) = Smart Ass
(_$_) = Rich Ass
(_x_) = Kiss My Ass
(_X_) = Get Off My Ass
we all love it.
Ass is a giant black hole that sucks up everything. It devours the system of all black men and urges them to yell "THAT ASS BE POPPIN'. BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY ROCKIN' ERRWHERE"