A pompous person who enjoys sending orders 10 min before closing for same day delivery. Scot Steinkruger
Assplosive shit syndrome, a.k.a. diarrhea.
That feeling you get when your stomach rumbles before you feel something trying to eek out of your back end, which makes your face sport a look that plainly says, "OH LAWD ITS COMIN" as you make a mad dash to the bathroom to contain the imminent assplosion to the toilet bowl.
1. A donkey.
2. An adjective typically used as an insult.
3. Butt; Bottom; Bum; Arse
1. "Asses are like so gross. Why does anyone farm them?"
2. "He's such an ass, I hope he dies in a fire!"
3. "Damn, boiiiii! Look at dat ass!"
you can do it, dont be too hard on your *ass*
wow today you look nice *ass* hell!
you can do it girl, you look hella bad *ass*
shake that *ass* girll slayy