He is short and kind of smelly but is a nice person and has good vocals. He is incredibly good at singing and can beat ANYONE at uno.
He's good at cross country (not really)
He is the best at sugar dusting, and will challenge anyone
that jacob jackson is great
Someone who sucks at sports (especially cross country) he thrives to maintain having ashy knees and has tree branches for legs. he is sometimes nice but always bullies his friends. he is very short and needs friends to talk to him because he is shy. HE ALSO IS A EGG AND LIVES TO MAKE FUN OF HIS FRIENDS
a person who cheats at uno.
the best country runner (not true)
he's musty, loud, and ashy.
someone ate his last ice-cream sandwich
that Jacob Jackson is short
Leah Jackson, aka LJ she is the baddest bitch in the land. She has great style and is always a joy to be around. She has a lot of friends yet she can be shy when meeting someone at first. Lastly, she has the prettiest smile and the biggest boobs.
"Wow look at that Leah Jackson"
"I'm feeling like a Leah Jackson, today"
"I wish a Leah Jackson would look at me"
Jackson Otto is the most perfect guy you will ever meet. He is so amazing in every way. If you look into his eyes you just fall. His blond hair,his smile,his laugh his,cloths his voice, his everything is just so perfect in every way. When you talk to him everything is just easy and he doesn't make anything complicated he's just simply perfect. If you fall in love with a Jackson Otto tell him and tell him how great he really is because he is . If you have a Jackson Otto in your life never let him go because you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Girl 1: Are you still not over him?
Girl 2: i just can't get over him he's the one that got away.
Girl 1: who?
Girl 2:it's Jackson Otto it's always been Jackson Otto...
A complete shit team who can’t win any fucking games except for the shit academy teams.
The Jackson middle school basketball team 2018-2019 is so bad.
In between Michael Jackson and Michael Myers
You're bad
What kind of bad, Michael Jackson or Michael Myers
In the middle
Oh so Jackson Myers