When two adults with kids get together bundling half and step brothers & sisters together with not a lot on common, so they have a baby to glue the family together. A glue baby.
#: What do you mean your brother and sister have the same mum and dad as you?
#: ahhh, one comes from each, I'm just the glue baby, I hold it all together.
these watch u in ur sleep and then when u think u saw something they teleport to ur wardrobe
teleporting babies are so epic it makes me cry
Uterine lining that expels during a woman’s period.
Girl. A big ass baby squid just shot out of me. And I have the worst cramps.
A baby wowzaw is a unique thing on your dog that you may say when his jowls get pushed up.
When i walked in the door I saw the funniest baby wowzaw on his face.
The leftover remnants of cum between your teeth after sucking someone off
"Did you see jessica's smile in that photo? She has Teeth babies."
"My girl gave me top last night and she woke up with Teeth babies"
When a chick performs vigorous oral sex on her male partner to completion and swallows the full load of baby gravy.
Rachel loves bobbing for babies. She’ll be well fed tonight.
A protein baby is when a gymrat overloads on a protein shake and as a result their stomach expands.
Kyle chugged a whole protein shake and now he’s got a protein baby!
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