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If you've got a heart, then Gumby's a part of you

If he's in your heart, then he'll be a part of you. If you have a heart, then Gumby's the pal for you.

What do they mean by "If you've got a heart, then Gumby's a part of you"?

by anonymous April 21, 2021

I've got this thing, and its fucking golden

1. a phrase used when you are trying to make a deal, and the other person doesn't understand the magnitude of whats going on.

2. used when you are blessed with an amazing opportunity or gift, and somebody you know doesn't understand how amazing it is

the phrase originates from the Rod Blagojevich tapes, in which blagojevich is trying to sell somebody the seat of illinois senator, and he thinks the other guy undervalued the cost of the seat.

example 1:

Joe: hey, did you know i own a baseball signed by babe ruth?

Bob: are you serious? ill pay you fifty bucks for it

Joe: am i serious? the question should be are you serious, i mean, i've got this this and it fucking golden, and you want to pay me fifty bucks for it? id rather sell my soul on ebay.

example 2:

Joe: I just won a backstage ticket to a bruce springsteen concert

Bob: thats nice

Joe: nice? I've got this thing, and its fucking golden

by anonymous person #13 October 14, 2009

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. To be state to someone that they got you in a very, VERY bad situation. 2. To tell someone that you totally disagree with them.

1. Man, shit! I let you borrow my card and you maxed that shit out?! Bitch, YOU GOT ME ALL FUCKED UP!!!

2. You think that I'm gonna double date with yo fine-ass girlfriend's fat nasty sista just so the two o you can get out tonight? Man, nigga...YOU GOT ME ALL FUCKED UP!

by Joshiro007 February 16, 2003

103πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

got me all kinds of fucked up

It means you're fucked up by all this shit. You just can't deal with this anymore. Like what the fuck? This shit got me fucked up. Im out bitches.

"Ms. Smith is giving us so much work man, she got me all kinds of fucked up!"

by Bowdownbitches February 23, 2015

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

you got to be yanking my dick off

A similar expression to, "you got to be kidding me!" But better.

Harris-"Dude, I forgot my keys in my car!"
Timothy-"You got to be yanking my dick off! Again?!"

by Ron Swanson... December 24, 2017

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!

Saying a person or entity "has some β€˜splainin’ to do" (in a Cuban accent) is a humorous way of suggesting that they have done something illegal or otherwise embarrassing.

The catchphrase dates back to the 50's "I Love Lucy" show.

"Dude, asdfghjkl;!!!... why are my briefs pink?? Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!"

by rickirichardo January 8, 2013

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

still got my looks

What people say when starting a financial recovery. See economic resurgence. It is customary for someone to then ram a steam iron accross the speaker's face and say "Oh yeah?", before engaging in a fight.

Well, at least I've still got my looks.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004

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