A loving way to explain a person who explains they are under the umbrella of LGBT+ but not fully understanding it.
Tyrone states he is dating Paula, both are seeing Stephanie. They explain they are poly relationship. You don't fully on understand what this relationship is. So you say "you are on the rainbow?" A short phase to recognize the raindow flag. A way to recognize1 the prideful LGBT+ community, but however fully do not understand the term of attraction, orientation or behavior of an individual yet.
A smilingly-playful salutation dat consists of da phrase, "The color between orange and green." Translation: "YELLOOOO!"
A rainbow greeting is da greatest --- why just SAY hello when ya can YELL it? :D
Performing oral sex on someone who has eaten so much skittles that they came literal rainbow coloured semen. Oh also it tasted like skittles.
I was tasting the rainbow last night!
A high quality drug that only thic boys cans enjoy. When you smoke it, you will see sounds and smell colors. Side effects may include broken bones, extreme migraines, thic boyness, cancer, aids, becoming adopted, the ability to smell colors, and death
THIC BOY: Hey bro, U got sum more Rainbow Flame, its the shizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....(5 minutes later).............................
THIC BOY: (dEded to DeathS)
Originally used by Moriah Elizabeth. Describes the rainbows aura as a ism.
The rainbowism is real!!!
Stuffing a packet of skittles up your pee hole so that you cum different colors into your partners mouth.
Did you here that Owen let Jennifer taste the rainbow last night.