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Joe Mama

Catherine Eugenia Finnegan, born in the same place the office takes place and even know as Joe Biden's mother.

She will be remembered as a meme. And may her soul rest. RIP

Person 1: hey who's Biden's mother
Person 2: Joe mama?

by TableMails November 6, 2020

Joe Mama

When someone eats taco bell

Who's joe?


by JoeBidenJoeMum November 2, 2021

Joe mama

Ben Dovers mom and Mike ox long sister

Joe mama is gay (made by cip bummole)

by My dad left for the milk at 69 April 22, 2022

joe mama

Joe Mama is an urban term to roast someone.

Hello, is there anyone there?

Yes, there is.


by F JD May 12, 2022

Joe Mama

Joe Mama gives cancer. It is the worst of insults and can be used to destroy the world.

Random Internet User: Joe told me that my dad died yesterday :/
Random Internet User #2: Who's Joe?
Random Internet User: JOE MAMA!!!11!11111!!1

by HippityWhomst December 5, 2019

joe mama

never ask who joe is

person 1:are you sad that Joe died person 2: who is Joe person 1: joe mama

by fuckyourtyujnbvcfrtyuij April 13, 2022

joe mama

joe mama

joe mama

by KITTYKATMASTER April 24, 2022