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moone waxing around


Moone waxing around

by Love j gf e February 9, 2023

Kirven Moon

Super sexy and awesome person that is the best friend you can have. Normally has a huge cock

Kirven Moon is so sexy. I want to fuck him

by GorillaGlizzy December 14, 2021

Sailor Moon Dic/Cloverway dub

A complete bastardization of the most beloved Toei magicial girl anime called Sailor Moon.

The VIZ redub is respectful to the source material unlike the Sailor Moon Dic/Cloverway dub.

by mgree002 May 23, 2023

Moon Possum

A racial slur against foreign invaders of planet earth or aliens.

Look at that dirty fucking moon possum

by BritishAsshole March 26, 2024

Hot blue moon

When you pee on a Belgian woman's chocolate starfish.

Last night I hot blue mooned her and she loved it.

by Imam Thurman March 1, 2015

moon boi

Someone who can't go more than 4 seconds without shouting "dogEcOin tO tHe mo0n"

you : Hi my name is sarah, nice to meet you
moon boi: bro u need to buy shiba german shepherd terrier coin, its about to go to the moon
you: fuck off, moon boi

by moonboi42069 September 25, 2021

moon lady

a fake woke woman who celebrates the full moon with ritzy parties for her rich friends; New Age spirituality used to trap and neuter awakening souls into being more passive in the face of tyranny; extinguishes the ancient flame of sacred rage under the guise of it being "low vibe." also known as a "Yoga Karen"

That Moon Lady sure does eat a lot of caviar

by AWylde December 12, 2023