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Name definition

A "definition" that "defines" a real life name (like James, Tyrone, Andrew, etc). Usually overly positive like "A VERY NICE PERSON WHO WILL ALWAYS HELP YOU NO MATTER WHAT", even though there's guaranteed to be at least one person named that who is a complete utter asshole. This type of shit is on both masculine, feminine, AND gender-neutral names. On super unique names that like 0.0001% of the world population has, they're not there, unless if someone with that name is a celebrity of some sorts.

People who make name definitions think they're cheering people up, but in reality, they're being an annoying fucker. If you don't want to have a name that has a fake urbandictionary definition, get a unique and rare name that is only used by at most 100 other people IN THE WORLD (assuming it's even used by ANYONE ELSE. Unless if you're a celebrity, there is almost NO way your name will have a fake name definition on it. If your name is smth like John or Mary, too bad.

by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 12, 2022

Name definition

Something that is everywhere on the internet, and needs to be deleted.

Usually made by the person who has the name, one of their friends, or (if the definition demonizes them) one of their enemies.

P.S.: Someone sneaked a name definition in here by calling their definition "Name Definition: Susan" instead of "Susan" so that it pops up when looking up "name definition" on this site. The definition itself is just another generic name definition that praises anyone with the name. Still don't know why the person who put this name definition decided to make it pop up when looking up "name definition" on this site. Do they want to troll everyone looking that up with one?

God damn I hate these name definitions. Someone even made a name definition for the name Susan and named it "Name Definition: Susan" so that it pops up when you look up "name definition" here, and it's just an ordinary annoying name definition that praises whoever has that name other than how it's named. That is just pure evil.

by Silicosis9324 May 7, 2023

1👍 2👎

name definitions

if i see another another name definition on here i am literally going to explode

troll that writes name definitions: billyshrub is the kindest person you'll ever meet. he is super cool and-
everyone: SHUT THE HECK UP

by billyshrub July 6, 2023

But she used her fake name Syakirah Kimmie her real name is Syakirah Mirza Binte Zainal.

But she used her fake name Syakirah Kimmie her real name is Syakirah Mirza Binte Zainal.

But she used her fake name Syakirah Kimmie her real name is Syakirah Mirza Binte Zainal.

by sdinaz October 24, 2023

Person’s Name

Explanation of how perfect, amazing, endearing, hot, ideal-for-you, flawless the person you’re inviting is...

You: kakfkakfokskfki like you blah blah blah
Person: you do?
You: yes. So much, in fact, that

Person: that what
You: Will you go to hoco with me?
Person’s name: ...

by Itchinnandburnin September 12, 2019

Last names are sem are semi curse

Last names are sem are semi curse

Last names are sem are semi curse

by Real Alberto June 5, 2022

i did the urban dictionary name thing im sorry!!!

I was one of the ppl thinking I have to show of the definition of my name from Urban dictionary it seems to be a cringe move and I'm sorry

look at him, putting "I did the urban dictionary name thing im sorry!!!" in his story, he deserves to die

by yung_cringelord November 25, 2021