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Club Penguin Island

A now-defunct massively multiplayer online (MMO) game released in March 2017 as the successor to the classic children's MMO Club Penguin, which was discontinued on the same day. The game served as a last-ditch effort to continue the franchise following its predecessor's decline in popularity and resulting demise. It was poorly received due to its initial mobile-only release, lack of content at launch and, like its predecessor, locking most features behind recurring paid membership. Due to a combination of these factors as well as competition from social media and other forms of children's entertainment, the game was a commercial failure. Club Penguin Island, and with it the Club Penguin franchise, was discontinued in December 2018.

Club Penguin Island will live on as an example of how to NOT revive a dying franchise.

by CtrlAlt_Games November 26, 2024

Lappakita Island

An uncharted island in the Philippines east of Luzon

Lappakita - short for "Wala pa naka kita"

I made you look for it this made up Lappakita Island

by MadeUp99 March 9, 2019

Turkey Island Fantastico

A gentlemen’s drink containing Wild Turkey 101, Mailbu Coconut, and a half to full can of Dr. Pepper. Commonly consumed in the deep south.
Origin: Waco, TX

“Yo, we got anything to drink?”
*opens the fridge and yells back*
“Just the remains of that Turkey Island Fantastico from last week!”

by bigtruz March 5, 2018

Island Chinese

An umbrella term for South and South-East Asian peoples that look Chinese.

Kelley? Yeah she’s one of those Island Chinese.”
“Yeah, whatever.”

by thethickfreshoak April 26, 2024

The Island

Riker's Island

Crook A: Yo, dawg, ya heard Big Mike got pinched ...wound up on The Island?
Crook B: Nah, man.. that's fucked. Let's go jack some car stereos to get him out.

by zeromein April 29, 2022

The Island

A place of work that self-generates a delusional belief that it contributes much more to benefit the society at large than what it actually does. In fact, the company’s delusion can be so grand in some instances, that it actually believes it defines society through it’s own warped lens of the world!

These beliefs are perpetually broadcast to workers through a relentless stream of propaganda communications.

The Island has it’s own special language that one must learn and speak, yet this language has no meaning outside of the confines of the company. It also has invisible geographic boundaries where, once crossed, workers will change their behaviour and demeanour.

Its workers must be prepared to modify their sense of self to comply with company culture. Workers also get measured routinely on their beliefs, thoughts and values to ensure it meets the political idealism of the company - which is usually to preserve the wealth and status of the upper class, suppress and control middle classes and provide unreachable dreams and hope for lower class citizens.

Workers that are not compliant with their beliefs and thoughts are quickly marginalised and chastised by management and often labeled as a ‘bad egg’, or even by quasi-psychological management terms such as ‘rebellious child’. Most workers, however, passively comply and will shuffle along each week and perform their duties like clockwork. They then wonder, many years later, why they feel something is missing from their soul.


John: I saw a webcast today that our company has worked out the trap all of the worlds fresh drinkable water and control its flow across the world. Those poor farmers going through drought won’t suffer anymore. Isn’t that amazing?

Jenny: No…it’s not John…it’s fucken disgusting…it’s the evil work of the Island…are you fucken stupid mate!

by Towball August 31, 2014

The Island

A vernacular expression used by New York metro residents referring to Long Island, NY.

Hey yo, you goin' out to The Island tonight?

by Harry Stotle December 16, 2017