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Sugar Off

An old lady way of saying 'Fuck Off'

That Huxham is not allowed in my house, he can sugar off!

by Balaughing July 4, 2024

Sugar buds

Term used to describe residue left on kitchen utensils when preparing crack

You should throw out the spoon bro, check out the sugar buds

by El Pedroni March 14, 2010

Monkey Paw Sugar Daddy

The USA is a monkey paw sugar daddy? No oversight hand the most corrupt country in Europe Ukraine hundreds of billions to kill all of their male men that can fight.

((Lyrical potential))

The USA is a monkey paw sugar daddy.

by Super Dave Mega Thrust Five Dr February 5, 2025

Himalayan sugar snake

When you’re with a Shard Barbie and you roll your pecker around in a gram of crushed meth before she gives you head.

I gave the shard Barbie a Himalayan sugar snake last night at the hotel.

by RjtK June 18, 2020

sugar cube

something you put ur lsd in

"yo, u want a sugar cube?"

"yeah sure boss"

by alwaysonsugarcubes May 27, 2024

sugar provider

an individual that can provide provisions (ie. monetary) for an individual lacking such in abundance. Similar to sugar mommy or sugar daddy, but can be used interchangeably to suit any special suitors, even those not confined to the gender binary system.

I really need to find a sugar provider to make paying my bills easier.

by jo_shua_d March 4, 2024

sugar roast

Sugar coding an insult with something nice. (Roasting with compliments.)

Guy 1: “Emma’s ass is so fat it almost hides her ugly face.”

Guy 2: “Damn how you gonna sugar roast her like that!”

by Mía Honey November 14, 2019