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Harry Potter

A movie & book of epic awesome-ness <3

Harry Potter was epic

by Ashah December 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

harry potter

A decent book that fans often take to the point where it is creepy and/or obsessive and should be immediately treated by an obscure neurosurgeon (or geologist depending on skull density) living in a country without restrictions on medical techniques.

Harry Pottard: OMG I HAVE OVER 9000 pics of harry potter...
Normal Person: yeah go see a brain surgeon

by PHR33K DA MIGHTY August 3, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Potter Jotter

(n.) A person (usually a complete nub, or Nubby Nubberton ) who is deeply inspired by the Harry Potter Series , thus they (falsely) depict themselves as fantasy-fiction-writing geniuses.

The result of this is a Harry Potter Jotter , one who will constantly publish outlandish stories and fanfiction s on fanfiction.net , and (falsely) expect to get thousands of readers .

Dave: 'Hey man , did you see Alvin at school today??'

Mike: 'Yeah dude, what a nub. He kept blabbing on about his new fanfic: 'Harry Potter and the Enchanted Owl', though he didn't even get any views on it.'

Dave: 'Wow, he's definitely a Harry Potter Jotter.'

Mike: 'Tell me about it.'

by mangalover997 September 4, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Potter


Bob: "Why do you love Harry Potter so much? It's just a book series"

Me: "No. It's my childhood.

by alllissa July 19, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Potter

Some of the best books around today that are and will continued to be enjoyed by everyone. Somehow moronic people believe it is comparable to Twilight but they are obviously completely out of their league.

Twilight maniac: OMG!!! Hav u read the twilight books??? Oh wait i didnt either but the guys look HAWT!!!

me: Sorry, I thought we were talking about books. You might not be able to read at a third-grade level but some other sane people would prefer HARRY POTTER!!!

by lightninghp7 July 3, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Potter

A reasonable series of fantasy books that got blown way out of proportion by the media. Generally admired by the less widely read and often criticised by life-long fantasy lovers because it's just not that good.
They revolve around a boy who discovers magic and grows up along the way. He encounters evil people who are BAD and good people who are good and even a couple of genuinely interesting multi-faceted characters like Snape.

Bob: Harry Potter's pretty rubbish
Fan: Have you even read the books?
Bob: Yes. Have you read any other fantasy books to compare it with?
Fan: Erm... I read the hobbit at school...
Bob: Fail.

by Athenenoctua September 2, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty harry

pussy that should never attempted to be tapped. can also be used to describe an ugly ass girl

I know you didn't tap that dirty harry!

by AJM February 20, 2003

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