When your weed is so terrible, it might as well have grown in a gutter.
"bruh what the fuck is that? Did you grow that yourself? looks like gutter weed bro"
Pink eye or Conjunctavitis. Painful af.
"Bro you see Jesse over there with that pink eye?"
"Yeah bro, dude looks high as fck"
"Bros been smoking that left eye weed"
The smell of weed which has the smell of a farm. Smells like hay or a barn with a hint of horse shit.
Wow that's some farmer weed, it reminds me
Andy is weeding the pumpkin's in the chief's office
when someone he/she is so chill you have to tell him/her
"You need to smoke weed"
"Bro why you are not talking"
"You need to smoke weed"
Pubic hair between the vagina and anus
Tamshaft ladyscaped her ging weed