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Dry Hump

A sexual term when a man or woman grinds up against a object or person.

In reference to a form of : sex act
Like when a man or boy grab a female from behind in a bear hug then has dry sex with her she being unwillingly , involved.

Or at any public schools when teenagers grab a girl or girls and dry humps her 3 min ect.
A sex act - type of trespassing assualt .

Dry Hump : The woman said "he grind up against her on the city bus".
It's called- Dry Sex / Dry Humping

by House of Yahweh July 24, 2023

Drying the tap

The action of using toilet paper to wipe off the remaining drops of piss coming out of your dick after a long, hard leak.

"Hey have you finished pissing yet? I can't hear anymore drops". "Yeah man i'll be out any second, just drying the tap".

by El3ctro-Critical April 18, 2017

Dry on the leaves

Really stoned.

Dude, I’m so dry on the leaves right now

by Rosy444 April 26, 2022

dry bet

a very very dry and rough riding bet

wet bet or a dry bet, bet

by JohnDeereModding March 26, 2018

dry horse

When a girl gets done sucking dick and she runs out of spit and her mouth is dry

Aye man my girl just got done and now she got a dry horse

by Staff only October 30, 2015

Dry Horse

Someone with a big dick but no sense of humour.

Yeah the date went OK! My fanny is in bits but he is a bit of a dry horse.

by The Driest Horse August 21, 2018

Dry Dicke

When sexual arousal has the opposite emotional effect causing someone to have their dick shrivel up

Dat bitch whos a fucking hoo just gave me dry dicke

by Tankboi March 3, 2017