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try too hard

an act of pushing one self to fit in somewhere to where it becomes obviously unnatural. it feels like people are trying hardest when they start to change themselves. sometimes people seem like they're trying too hard to fit into a certain crowd (e.g. punk, hip hop, emo, mall shopper, football jock, high school prep, pretentious hipster, republican, etc) but they're really not. Most people will criticize based on speculation of noticeable differences such as clothing style and skin color or interest. at first everyone tries too hard, then eventually they just naturally fit in. some people try too hard to act like they're not trying too hard. people who try the hardest are the ones who criticizes others for trying too hard. it states that they're not trying hard by projecting on to others. Others seem like they're trying too hard when they don't fit into the mainstream. but sometimes people try too hard to fit into the mainstream also. this term could be pushed either way or at anybody and could be justified from any perspective. just be yourself, you'll be criticized no matter what. whatever being yourself means.

try too hard
it's unnatural for that nerd ugly weird kid to try to fit in with the football jocks. He must be trying too hard to feel superior to his high school peers.

that punk kid is trying too hard to look old school. look at all his chains, spikes, and leather. he use to be nerdy and picked on a lot.

look at that republican knee jerk patriot putting flags all over his car after 9/11. he didn't even care to vote before 9/11. or even know what democratic left or republican right meant a few years back. he's not real. he's a psuedo-conformist

look at that hippie girl, she only listens to ''real'' indie acoustic bands, 2 years ago she loved top 40 radio pop. she's trying too hard.

look at that amish kid, he's all pimped out with hd tv, computers, black berry, ipods, and video games. a few years back everything he had was made of wood.

bored american kids are really concerned with what's real or not. they go online to passive aggressively attack other kids for their style, beliefs, actions and ideas because they can't do it in person. low self esteem is the result of it.

by eazy-X May 9, 2008

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trying too hard

when one tries too hard to please another by displaying all of their knowledge which they think will compensate for their lack of emotional connection

hugo is trying too hard all the time with everyone tbh

by imnotemojustedgy July 31, 2017

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drip too hard

when you're waiting on your friend to matchmake for The Finals but they're too busy equipping cosmetics for their character

bro wait, im drip too hard rn

by technocrat13 October 31, 2023

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hard hat tourism

Actively seeking out tours of large industrial facilities for the pure enjoyment of large, expensive, loud machinery and structures. Examples include ship engine rooms, factories, mines, construction sites, and power plants that the general public does not necessarily see. These locations usually require personal protective equipment like hard hats, safety glasses and ear plugs.

I took lots of pictures at the cement plant b/c I like to document my hard hat tourism.

by FiatLukes November 12, 2009

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twi-hard mode

where you are deeply inot the twilight saga books. you go into twilight mode where you thirst for blood and can feel and sympathize with bella about her choices. sometimes you even try to do vampire-ish stuff lke running fast.

wow, dude i just put down that new moon and went twi-hard mode in the supermarket!

by Jarrod Ebert February 5, 2010

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too hard pile

The generic cover-all approach used to house all tasks that are deemed to be too difficult in stature at that present point in time.

It can be used as an excuse for laziness, or as a rapid-fire answer to a complex question.

Tim: Hey man, wanna go to the movies Friday night?

Joe: Nah bro, too hard pile (holds up hands in the shape of a basket)

The above action is typically useful in a setting where it is difficult to hear one another, over loud music for example.

by positivelynegative February 14, 2011

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dem man are hard

Used to describe someone who is deemed to be tough and strong.

Song lyrics from Newham Generals - Hard

Dont go down those ends! Dem man are hard

by cornersofa September 21, 2018

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