very very small penis. can also be used as a unit of measurement.
“Yo i bet you have a jimmy peen”
The very end of a joint, which tends to “sting” your lungs upon inhalation due to the burning of the built up tar. Also called a “roach”.
Aw fuck, now our joint has turned into a stinging jimmy.
Jimmy Jazz a fait rire hier
Jimmy Jazz l'humoriste qui a moins de rythme
Jimmy Nuwutron is an amalgamation of the hit TV cartoon character and the emoticon pertaining to cuteness.
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Men that our always there lurking to find there next victim to try and prove there worthiness but they never succeed because they’re pieces of shit.
That motherfucker Trevor and jimmy’d me.
Random guy: yo is that jimmy butler's son!
Me: yup that's 🧑🏾
random guy: yo is that jimmy butlers son!
Me; yeah that's me🗿