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when you are more stupid

Careisha is stupider than delightful

by Shawn Shawn November 25, 2020


its like saying stupid but their more the stupid so- Stupider

that person is more Stupider then before

by hmmmm vim li cas koj thiaj xav March 31, 2022


word for stupid but has a "er" end

Zerelda is stupider than Jenna.

by stupider person May 26, 2021


Act of Being More Stupid

"I'm stupid."
"OhOHHh Me Stupider!"

by Skull Universe June 15, 2023


An insult when someone calls u stupid

Bradley:Mariana ur stupid

Mariana:Bradley ur stupider

by Chubby cheeks October 24, 2018


A "word" used by people who are stupider than normal.

Person 1: You're stupid!
Person 2: Yor stupider!!
Person 1: Okay dumbass.

by FikshunalRory August 12, 2022


Use this word when attempting to define a person as a individual that is more stupid then anyone existing.

Eddalou11 is stupider then a rat.

by Smexy Rexe May 11, 2021