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an ugly person; a grouchy person.

Gee, that dame is a real troll. What's her problem?

by anonymous100001 December 31, 2011


You idiots all got this fucking wrong. The correct spelling of “internet troll” is actually TRAWLER. The term “troll” comes from TRAWLING FOR ARGUMENTS - like a fishing trawler. Fishing trawlers slowly drag bait or nets behind them and wait for fish to bite. Therefore; if someone leaves a comment on the internet as bait for an argument, they are “trawling” for an argument. Someone who practices trawling for arguments would therefore be coined a “TRAWLER”.

You people are idiots. The term is actually “trawler.”


Internet trawlers trawl social media for arguments (not troll)

by Youpeoleareidiots January 15, 2023


Bisexual male trying to constantly get into a 3 way party with 2 other members for sexual activities

To get to the unicorn, one must pay the troll toll of sexual pleasure.

by Rabbit quickfoot July 18, 2021


Troll is obsolete term for modern word chatnik (chatnick).

Troll: ''Trolling is a art.''
Person: ''You mean an art?''
Chatnik 1: ''You are such a troll!''
Chatnik 1 with different name: ''You are also troll!''

by Philip K. October 8, 2016


A sadistic moron who doesn't understand boundaries and confuses harassment with comedy.

Joseph recently began trolling a girl on Discord. She kept telling him to stop but he pushed onwards and sent more messages her way. Her reaction made him giggle so much; this was fun. He should do this more often.

by Bondelhyde May 2, 2023


One who lives under the bridge and enjoys eating billy goats

"Dude! That troll ate another one of my goats!"

by I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL!!!!!!!!!! February 22, 2012


Someone who assumes a different persona online than they would portray in person with their friends and family. In this context of a troll, it means that someone will pretend to be something they’re not for the purpose of fooling people with an alter ego, a different personality or persona, for entertainment and to troll.

Examples of this include YouTube personalities like WoahhVicky, Malu Trevejo, Poppy, HowToBasic, iDubbbzTV, TVFilthyFrank, JennaMarbles, The Hodgetwins, and more.

Person 1: WoahhVicky is such a troll.
Person 2: Yeah, she is. I’d agree that she’s a troll and/or trolling.

by efishies15 January 25, 2019