When you get a nicotine high or "dome" usually from a vaping device, and immediately get an erection.
"Bro when I first got my Juul, every time I got domed I'd get Nic Dick."
biohazard semen due to a nasty ass nic addiction. tastes like battery acid and will give u bv.
his shit was foul ik he got nic dick
When you take a hit from your device and immediately suck dick and blow out the smoke while sucking
Yo, my man just gave me some nic dick. It was amazing
when one is dehydrated from not having dick in their mouth, or their pussy is dehydrated
dick-dehydration is when you have no dick in your life; or it can mean that a males dick is all dry and crusty from to many sexual intercourse.
The desire to fuck as many females as you can in life before settling down. The term was coined by the Hodgetwins.
Hey man, you gotta get all that dog dicking outta you before getting married.
When you shove a dick down someone's throat and then tape their mouth shut with tape.
Yo Fam™ if you continue being a little bitch I will have to dick tape you.