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Alabama Lobster Fight

A unique sexual fetish with traced to to both Smiths Station, Andalusia, and Smut Eye Alabama. While engaged in 69 both participants urinate in the others face post orgasm.

I was face fucking this girl and she started an Alabama Lobster Fight with me.

by The Alabama Muff Diver November 9, 2019

Alabama Sweetheart

an Alabama Sweetheart is when your Girlfriend has Sex with your Dad and give Birth to a Daugther and you Fuck the Daughter

My Girlfriend Pulled an Alabama Sweetheart on Me and my Dad

by NigwardTheHoodNigga May 28, 2019

Alabama Push pop

The act of fucking a girl in the ass after taco bell so she has to shit and when she finally does using your dick to shove it back up her ass

Billy: dude did you smash Stacy last night?

Tom: yea but she had taco bell earlier that night so I had to gave her the ol' Alabama Push pop

by Ruthtj34 January 29, 2016

alabama thunder cunt

A lady that is so fat her twat smacks the ground making thundering noises oh and shes from alabama

Woah look at that massive alabama thunder cunt

by trenchcoat March 15, 2016

Alabama Mile Marker

When a guy pulls out, nuts on a girls back, and sticks a receipt on it.

Yeah dude, last night I gave this chick an Alabama Mile Marker.

by UncStatus February 7, 2025

Alabama Sandwich

A piece of bread in between two other pieces of bread.
An inbred sandwich.

I would rather eat an Alabama Sandwich than water for lunch.
Hey, check out Max eating an Alabama Sandwich!
Wow! They're selling Alabama Sandwiches at the fair! Only $5!

by qt49 June 18, 2021

Alabama anal

When one does anal with his or her first cousin; the only rule is that you must be related

Did you here that laim did Alabama anal with his cousin”.

by Lancebumpkinjr December 10, 2018