A back stabbing piece of shit who talks shit about his friends who have helped him A lot and is to much of a fucking coward to stand up for himself so he gets his fat drunk dad to defend him. He says he will do something and never does it. He also talk like he is all big but he is a fucking pencil and can't do shit
Friend I'm going to get a dirt bike. One month later and he does not have it. Me where is it. Friend I don't have it. Me wow your such a charlie
A creature, only seen occasionally but has a strange sense of humour- don’t get too close; or he might hiss or sploog ink all over you! Has a crusty bed, better off sleeping on the floor...
charlie is meaning chunky charles dominates his sister
An UNSTOPPABLE sex addict if hes sees a pair of woman legs or inner thighs he will proceed to destroy her .
joe: look at that girl shes not working properley
micah: i heard she broke her legs after she had the charlie treatment
my beautiful brother, my rock, the one person who has had my side through ups and downs, someone who i would give my life for, even through all the cringey moments and all the arguments we have had, he is truly my favourite person even if i dont show it sometimes, so maybe in the far future when your reading this charlz just so you know i will always love you forever -your big sister
charlie, a crazy reckless boy, with a heart bigger than the world itself
A ‘Charlie’ is someone who introduces their friends to a new substance, and gets them way too high.
“Hey bro, when did you first smoke”
“Oh, I was with Charlie, I greened out man”
“Yeah, my friend smoked with me for the first time, I lost count of how many he had”
“Oh shit, you Charlie’d him”