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Urban Dictionary

what people like me post stuff on all day

instead of doing something productive, michelle posts on urban dictionary!

by aksdkasld June 14, 2018

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Urban Dictionary

the autistic version of a real dictionary

thank god for urban dictionary

by iliketurtletiddiez33 March 12, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

What your looking at right now.

Person 1: I’m such a retard so ima search up β€œUrban Dictionary” on Urban Dictionary!

Person 2: what a fucking retard

by no u nob April 27, 2019

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Urban dictionary

For the real niggaz and the real niggaz only

Urban dictionary

by Pop a pillow July 6, 2019

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Urban Dictionary

Proper noun. An online dictionary website geared towards defining slang terms, with definitions based on user-submitted content.

I searched up the definition for this word on Urban Dictionary.

by jpnerens March 4, 2015

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Urban Dictionary

This site.

The Urban Dictionary is what you are on right this moment.

by coveredinflies April 7, 2011

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Urban Dictionary

Where you go when a whore fucks a literal retard in the group home you work and pretends she isn't doing that.

Why are you on Urban Dictionary?

A whore fucked a retard. What's your excuse?

Oh... Shit. I don't have one. I must be some kind of semi-retarded filth. Did you use it before the whore fucked the retard?

No. I literally wouldn't be here if 1. The whore had just done her job and not fucked the retard 2. Dealt with the consequences of fucking the retard 3. I didn't need a detailed account of why I murdered everyone 4. Need to prove that all of the people around me are garbage.

Wow..... I'm just as bad as the worthless cripple aren't I?

Yes. You are.

by Hym Iam December 3, 2020

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