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Dream [G]

The best person in the world that is mistaken for the youtuber

"Who that kid over there?" (Anonymous)
"Oh some fake Dream dude" (Anonymous)
*Slamming head on a table* (Dream G)

Dream G

is basically an idiot that everybody likes even though they look like a fake dReam

by asfdsafdsafdsafd February 9, 2021

Porky dreams

Its a type of dreams which you have when you crave pork its rare but still i have it when i watch nikocado avocado not when he eats but when i see him and liverpool i hate you

Sigma = I had porky dreams last night
Beta =oh yoh must have craved pork then !
Sigma =who?
Beta =what who ?
Sigma =who asked?

Beta =you asked

Sigma = i never asked you i told you


by “NOT SO SMART ONION ” July 23, 2022

flagship dream

The ultimate dream

My flagship dream is to press pennies on a train track

by Sassy mama December 23, 2024

Dream Work

Dream Work is the concept of creating innovation. In this state of mind, a person is at it's highest potential creating and helping for there team to achieve top performance. A person in the dream work circle isn't just a top performer, he's a symbol of someone you can always count on no matter how complex the issue might be. A symbol of help that will always be there when you need them.

I have friend that just created a million dollar startup and helped me create my own as well. He showed me the way of Dream Work.

by DreamWorkerSymbol March 10, 2022

Trix's dream

Finding Happiness.

Trix's Dream Is to find Happiness in her Life.

by 10rs ka lays March 18, 2023

The Clash Dream

a special dream that happens every 69 years, and is prophesied to herald a golden age of coc by the one who dreamt it. Historical records state that the first person to have this dream was Fatboy, rest in peace.

Hey Randy, I had The Clash Dream last night.
Honestly? Fatboy had it first

by December 13, 2020

i have a dream

i have a dream that my children will live in a nation where they will be judje not by the color of their skin, but by the size of their pp

deez nutz i have a dream

by i-hate-britain May 8, 2023

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