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Aggressive Dangerous Hyperactive Dude

Aggressive Dangerous Hyperactive Dude is basically ADHD. It's what happens when you don't have a daily Monster or two or 2 to 4 cups of coffee a day or 40mg to 100mg of Ethylphenidate (EPH) a day or 37.5mg to 75mg of Adipex a day or 200mg of Modafinil a day or 150mg of Armodafinil a day and add Propranolol and a gym membership or have 20mg to 60mg of Methylphenidate (MPH, Ritalin) a day or 10mg to 30mg of Adderall a day or 30mg of 2-FMA a day or 15mg of 4F-MPH a day.

I need my 40mg to 100mg Ethylphenidate a day or 37.5mg to 75mg of Adipex a day. I have Aggressive Dangerous Hyperactive Dude (ADHD)!

by HawaiianPunch1 August 6, 2024

Dude selfish syndrome

When a guy doesn't want a girl he has intercourse with or had relations with to talk to anyone else. He will get mad, name calling. Threatening, and easily pissed off at you.

He called you a whore and blocked you Shelly. What the hell does he have "dude selfish syndrome?"

by Shelly Smith January 18, 2017

Shit dude

Either your dressed like shit, lame, or just being a shitty person.

Brandon’s a shit dude

by Notjeremy101 July 27, 2022

dude lubed

When a woman has bare-back intercourse with a man, then later has sex with a different man while still vaginally wet from the first man's ejaculate.

Most often the subsequent man is unaware of the first man's jizz and will mistake the wetness for vaginal secretions.

"I think this girl dude lubed me; she was really wet and smelled like cum."

by Jpadg February 23, 2018

Droid Dude

Someone who uses the android operating system, usually a chill tech sleuth.

I dunno im not really a droid dude....

by Spectre0xD July 15, 2023


a dude-off is a battle between two dudes in which only the word dude is used but it can be said with any inflection that the vocalizer pleases. the battle is won either when one player accidently uses another word other than dude or by honor code when one player simply admits defeat

shhh, they're having an intense dude-off right now so be quiet

player A: dude
player B: dude dude
player A: dude dude dude
player B: duuuuuude

by shaggymorphism October 27, 2021

dude moved

When a person behaves like a "typical dude" would act in certain sexual scenarios. i.e. Thinking with your dick instead of brain.

So I've been talking to Scott and Matt and I can't make up my mind about them, so I dude moved Scott the other night.

by ABSTAR2010 December 11, 2019