When you take all the old meats that you have in your fridge and make a roulade out of it. It should retain a fair amount of the rainbow after cooking if it is to be considered authentic.
Wow, to be honest, this is my first time ever having Rainbow Meat and I am so impressed by the oily, metallic chemical flavor. Bon apetit a la Rainbow Roulade!
The person who ruins a good moment.
Person: "Dude, this carnival is so awesome!" Rainbow Breaker: "I'd rather be home, feeding my cat."
A person or person who have adopted the equality of those who fly the Rainbow Flag.
Hey Gustavo, I was talking to my auntie, who has just become a new rainbow flagger.
Members of the LGBTQ+ community who sympathize with and support the actions of Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis; often with blissful disregard for the fact that these groups oppress LGBTQ+ people in their societies. Members of the Rainbow Paraglider Brigade will often support causes that are disgraceful to human dignity.
After the October 7th Attacks, this gay man I know named John started posting the most vile things in support of the actions of Hamas. He is a member of the Rainbow Paraglider Brigade.
A term for members of the LGBTQ+ community who sympathize with Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as Hamas , Hezbollah, and the Houthis.
After October 7th, this gay man that I know named John started posting the most vile things cheering on the actions of Hamas. He is a member of the Rainbow Paraglider Brigade.
A noun given to the fuzzy effect that your sight gets after doing something, such as running hard, or taking a bong hit, or coughing harshly, or laughing...