Source Code

lip it out

general description of gender reassignment surgery

bruce is awaiting the next phase of his surgery where they will roll, tuck and lip it out

by fuknguy May 6, 2015


A relaxed term of saying good-bye, and "ease's" out of the conversation.

Usually used in a lighter form of conversation, similar to saying later, peace out, etc...

Person A: John is finished talking with Jill, and say's "Alright, Ease-out."

Person B: Mitch has recently realized that the person he is talking to is in fact the boyfriend of the girl he just slept with...time for Mitch to "Ease-out"

by friendlyfire28 July 3, 2012

Berved out

A saying you say when you are drunk and about to pass out like Noah Bervan is every time he drinking because he is a light weight.

“Yo I am berved out right now

by Kcaj April 22, 2020

Blaked out

Verb - "to blake out"

A process involving a combination of very tight clothing and a barrage of shots, culminating in a complete disregard for usual standards in selecting bedfellows.

The subject will wake up the following morning with no recollection of the previous night's events.

Margot: "McLean! Where have you been?"

McLean: "What happened last night? I just escaped from Cougarville. I woke up in handcuffs and I have a tattoo of a unicorn."

Margot: "Wow! You totally blaked out!"

by Caspertheseedyghost October 10, 2011

travel out

To explore completely, in every detail;
to travel through thoroughly, far and wide

- What made you want to go there?
- I guess it's just something about my desire to travel out the world...

by accsemenov November 3, 2008

Boofed Out

To be super high on meth. To blow a cloud, To be gone b4 the smoke clears.

He was so boofed out he was cutting his grass with scissors.

by April 1, 2022

trumped out

when you lose at something and you won't accept it and will do anything to blame, start riots , destroy things and commit crime all to satisfy your ego

we was playing poker and my opponent had a full house, I was holdin a couple of deuces, so I threw a fit knocked all the cards , chips , table, everywhere, I broke windows, punched holes in walls, started the room on fire, I trumped out

by cookin dat chow January 10, 2021