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Trucker Nuggets

The nasty, gross, stained fabrics, bathrooms, smells, etc. that make your skin crawl.

You may be asking yourself, "What are Trucker Nuggets?"

Picture it:

A big, hairy, sweaty truck driver is on the road all day long. He checks into a hotel for the night. He wants to be comfortable and he's by himself, so he strips down naked. He sits in the upholstered chair to eat his greasy dinner. Scratches "himself" a few times and flips through the TV channels with the remote. He then decides it's time for bed. He crawls under the sheets. As he is trying to get comfortable he passes gas a few times (one was a bit overzealous) turns out the lamp and goes to bed. The next morning he checks out. What is left behind? TRUCKER NUGGETS!

Trucker nuggets don't have to be in a hotel or made by a truck driver. The term refers to all those nasty, gross, stained fabrics, bathrooms, smells, etc. that make your skin crawl. Some examples...
- A stained & worn waiting room chair upholstered with 1970's orange/yellow polyester woven fabric.
- Going in a thrift store and finding hair all over a shirt you were going to try on.
- Going in a really dirty public bathroom and watching your kids touch everything.

This is by no means meant to be disrespectful to truck drivers. The concept for trucker nuggets began In low budget hotels.

The hotel chair was covered in Trucker Nuggets.

by MrsDixon May 28, 2022

Tummy Nuggets

Taking a shit

Mah boi Eddie dropped a load of tummy nuggets on my drive way !

by OLUPNYA December 30, 2019

Yung Nugget

A young rapper who started making songs about funny memes and about women since 2018 to 2021 he also has a hit song that is popular on the app “TikTok”. The song is called Simp Detector! he also has make other music he has 2 albums right now his most recent song is “The Imposter” It was released on March 17 2017. He also has collaborated with small creators like him he mostly raps about females, money, and doing homosexual acts towards men.

“Yo did see that new song yung nugget released”

Y/N: Yah that shit is fire🔥”

by WeGotLondonOnTheTrackBoy! September 11, 2021

Butt nugget

A butt with a nugget

Hey man have u seen my butt nugget?

by Grapeapplesauce September 7, 2020


Noun: a child so completely identical to its biological father that it could only have been birth from the anus and through the butt crack of said biological father

Momma’s maybe , Daddy’s Butt-Nugget

by HeatherK! November 23, 2020


Noun: a child so completely identical to its biological father that it could have only been birthed out of the anus and through the butt crack of said biological father

Momma’s maybe , Daddy’s Butt-Nugget

by HeatherK! November 23, 2020

Butt nugget

Literally Phoenix started saying this before anybody, you all started copying him, @light_skin_legend on Instagram. But anyway, a butt nugget is anotherway to say little shit, a little nugget of poop from the butt.

I got some butt nuggets to drop off in the toliet.
Hey butt nugget get online with the boys.

Don't be a butt nugget and steal my word.
Butt nugget butt nugget butt nugget.

by LightSkinLegend May 6, 2020