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Word is Bond

1) This is a common street Gangsta term, Meaning that you'd stake your life on what you say, and stand behind your word 100%; Your words are bound to your life, for the rest of your life.
2)A term meaning that you spoke without thinking, or that you have offended someone,and now you've risked your life with those words.
3) Sometimes simply stated with "Word!"

"It's a done deal; Word is Bond."

"I'll shank that fool if he crosses me, Word is bond."

"Dude sayin he's gonna shank me?? Oh, Word is Bond!"

by G-13 February 16, 2009

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veggie word

A word used in place of a cuss word when you don't want to offend somebody but want to get across that what happened is awful. It seems like an innocent word, but it refers to one that isn't, such as dabnabit, monk, who-who, and witch.

Sue's parents told her that her cat died and she used a veggie word so that she wouldn't get in trouble.

by Rose Red October 17, 2005

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S Word

s = simp
twitch streamers aren't allowed to say simp, so they use s word instead.


you're a simp!

dude you're gonna get banned

oh fuck, you're an S WORD

by technoblade says BRUHHHHHHHHHH December 21, 2020

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p word

''p word'' got popularize in da beginning of 2018 when famous utuber ksi called out 2 other famous utuber jake nd logan paul for boxing fight after his insane win over joe weller nd then jake paul respond to that in a very pussious way, to do a mma match rather than a boxing match but he was basically scared of ksi and try to get out of da situation but he was making lotta vids bout it just to get views then ksi's lil brother came in the story nd call jake a pussy to which jake paul respond in his vid nd he was saying pussy a 'p word' cause his audience is full of retarded small kids nd he cant say pussy in his vids. So many people found it hella funny nd start saying ''p word'' rather than saying pussy but every time someone use it they directly referring ''p word'' to jake paul (for obvious reasons), it is mostly used by famous utuber keemstar (he also found a dead dolla in da woods) to make fun of jake paul.

a person in keemstar's live stream chat: hey keemstar r u gonna fight kavos.
keemstar : no, kavos is a p word

by alienated69 March 25, 2018

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white people getting away with saying the word nigger

can you pass me the oar n-word jim?

by Ninjew78 December 7, 2008

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Book Word

A word that is never spoken but is seen in books all the time: Indiscriminate, chortle, begrudgingly, facade...

Judy: I begrudgingly drove my sister to school this morning.
Beth: Begrudgingly? that is such a book word! no one actually says that word aloud!

by HanPik1 February 4, 2010

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Word Weasel

Douchebags that covet dictionaries, searching for big words to present themselves as intellectuals while attempting to confuse you with their smertness when in fact, they're complete fucking asshats that know sweet fuck all about what they're saying ... but it sounds good.

Common word weasels include graduates of artsy fartsy programs currently serving french fries and wondering how they'll pay for their $50,000 student loan for puppetry.

by LookDumbass November 8, 2011

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