The man or woman at the party who calls out your drunken-mistakes, then justice kicks in and gives you a consequence for it.
7 months of cleaning the livingroom for breaking the lamp last night. Party referee got me for that.
I take bus now on ever since I knicked my mom's car. The real Referee.
When you stop at your local liquor store on the way home from work/the gym/any daily task and purchase alcohol (typically fireball) for the ride home as well as for drinking by yourself at home.
Steve got into work late this morning. I bet he had one wild Steve party while watching LetterKenny last night.
My girlfriend was mad when she came home and saw I was having a Steve party
When you get the right kind of fucked up at a great party and have a great night
Today was a potato party unlike last weekend without llamas
Being a pussy or wimp. Called after a turkeys ballsack on the chin, because it looks like a girls nasty ass pussylips.
“Bro have you heard Justin Biebers song with Ludacris” “ that shit sounds like a fucking turkey party”
When you use your mates to get into parties because you don't get invited yourself
Man, I'm not sure if I want to go to the party because I'm known as a freeloader to parties.
A pun which is the most correct and commonly used form to spell “party hearty” or “party hardy” with the same identical meaning.
“Won’t you come to the party next Saturday? “Yeah, I wanna party harty all night”.