Antonym of Take the L. Picking up the W is used to describe a win, accomplishment, or plus of some sort.
E.g. Acing a test, winning a game of poker, suceeding in the stock market, proving a point, crushing someone in 1v1 basketball, etc.
I picked up the w, or picked up a win, by picking up two hot broads yesterday.
I pick up the w all the time.
To have sex with someone on roblox without getting roblox filter'd.
Horny roblox player: Can I have permission to w and s you?
Other horny roblox player: Oh yes.
Commando-in-sheets. President of working from home in nothing but a shirt. Gets dressed by invading the Dryrack. Went to Yale but pretends to be from Texas to gain acceptance from his O&G colleagues. Bedroom also known as the Broval Office.
Colleagues on Teams call: "I think you're on mute - we can't hear you."
George W. F. H. Bush: "But I can hear YOU!"
The commando-in-chief. President of working from home in nothing but a shirt, gets dressed by invading the Dryrack. Went to Yale but says he's from Texas so his O&G coworkers will accept him.
Coworkers on the Teams call: "I think you're on mute, we can't hear you."
George W. F. H. Bush: "But I can hear you!"
When you are so bored out of your mind you do the full number row right, the qwerty row left, the asdf row right, the zxcvbnm row left, then all rows each side going left right like 1029384756
Dude was so bored out of his mind he typed `1234567890-=\poiuytrewqasdfghjkl;'/.,mnbvcxz`=1-203948576q\werpptoyiua's;dlfkgjhz/x.c,vmbn
this is the american alphabet for my 3 yr olds
The word a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z means hello
z w e e m babababa is funny meme lmaoo laugh out loud funny dog look scrumbulated babababa
guy1: "i was looking at funny memes on"
guy2: "bro thats dumb asf i found better meme lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!11!1!!1!1!"
guy1: "bro what is it??!?!?!?/!!??1!11"
guy3: "z w e e m babababa"
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