A 45 year old woman with three kids and a 295 feet long apartment that, every time an employee on any shop messes up something, She has an immediate urge to speak with the manager.
I want to speak to the manager!
If you hear this, its a Karen speaking.
A female or male bully getting caught on video. Frequently racist.
Middle age bitch with a bob cat with highlights that drives a Dodge Grand caravan immune to her kids crying. Mainly deals with retail store managers including game stops. Give her tone and she'll send it back. The majority of the dislikes of this definition is probably from Karen's.
We must not let karenos collect all 6 infinity oils to bring her anti-vax kid back to life.
McDonald's employee-" ma'am, your coupons are expired, if you will just-"
Karen-"I don't care. Don't you dare post this on YouTube or I'll sue you. Can I please talk to your manger? I want my coupons to be processed. I don't care if they are expired. I am a customer and customer's are always right"
McDonald's employee-" is your name Karen?"
Karen-"why the hell does that matter? I want your manager!"
McDonald's employee-"I am done here. Diane, can you come up to the front please? A Karen needs to speak to a manager"
a racist deepshit who is homophobic and thinks every religion except christian is bad,if you meet them,run,they are deepshit who just wants to erase your happiness,anyways,thanks Raid Shadow Legend for sponsoring me
"You are a Karen"
middle aged women that have nothing better to do other than complain.Their first words were probably "Let me Speak to ur manager!!!"
WORKER:i don't get paid enough I'm quitting.
Karen is a type of white American middle age woman, they are extremely annoying and people often call them "bitch ass karen". They sues everything without a proper reason.
Ex. A Karen sues a dog, because the dog had pooped and that smell went into karen's nose.
They have no life, they live their life to destroy someone else's life.
Karens can only be tamed by money.
"I had a bad Day today, I encountered a wild Karen in the grocery store, she tried to sue me for farting."