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Call of Duty Tea Bag

The act of murdering an opposing call of duty character and proceeding to crouch over their mouth repeatedly for others to see, stimulating a real-life "tea bag".

Walk007 decided to give Hondarider736 a Call of Duty tea bag after an intense beat-down in search and destroy just so the entire opposing team could watch the humiliation before the bomb was defused.

by death-angel23 July 13, 2009

68๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

One Stone Tea Bagger

Someone who rests their one testicle on another person's face, while they are asleep/passed out.

Eric was a notorious Tea Bagger, but when fate interviened, Eric was left with One Stone......eventually making him the one and only One Stone Tea Bagger

by thesnake3h October 19, 2008

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sugar honey iced tea

Sugar Honey Iced Tea - a saccharine sweet way of saying ''shit'' and getting away with it when you are in a situation where you cannot openly swear.

"I was freaking out, i was like - sugar honey iced tea, you know?!"

by Martha's_Cellmate November 3, 2004

767๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass over tea kettle

A term often used by those living in the North-Eastern United States, where rapidly changing winter weather creates slippery conditions for pedestrians without warning. Similar to taking a "wicked shitter," going "ass over tea kettle" describes the motion of the body as it somersaults uncontrollably on a driveway or down a set of basement stairs, for example. The tea kettle is valued during cold winter months and is used metaphorically to assert that something important (along with one's ass) has been damaged in the fall.

Not realizing that the driveway froze over, I went ass over tea kettle while goin' out to get the mail.

by Red-lah February 3, 2022

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long island iced tea

Strong alcoholic beverage, consisting of four to five hard liquors and a splash of Coca-Cola. Ingredients vary, but generally includes tequila, rum, gin, vodka, and triple sec in equal amounts (1 shot glass usually) with Sweet & Sour mix for tartness and Coke to create color of iced tea.

A few long island iced teas will get you hammered pretty quick.

by progamer124 March 16, 2003

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Tea Area High School

Tea Area High School is truly an amazing school. Have you ever seen a two-faced snake? Your in luck. Come to Tea and you'll be faced with hundreds of them. Tea had a wide assortment of fake people to pick to be your friends. Hoes, dickheads, assholes, narcissists, we have them all! Now don't get me wrong, we have a couple nice people. We have the ones that will talk shit to your face and not behind your back. A true luxury in this high school not everyone can have. Tea Area High School is a scout's paradise. Think you're toxic? Come to this high school. Your toxicity will pale in comparison to those who go to Tea Area High School.

Tea Area High School has exactly 10 decent people.

by Jenna Tulls69 January 29, 2020

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Tea Bagging my Joke

To add on to a joke after the punchline thinking it will be funnier -- and failing.

Bob:Hey Jim...What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

Jim: I dont know Bob, what?
Bob: The taste!
Trish: and the smell!
Bob: bitch quit 'tea bagging my joke'!

by Darnell Jenkins II February 4, 2010

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