Look at hemant, it’ll say a lot.
“Bro have you seen hemant?”
“Yeah, he’s kinda below average why?”
“Wdym. He’s literally woman repellent.”
The women orgasim is widely known to be a thing that once you achieve "Women orgasim" by extreme penile action you have reached the endgame as a guy. Sadly this is false as the women orgasim is a myth and dosin't exist. An alternative way to reach the endgame is to move out of your moms basement :-)
An individual who hurts women, regularly, or irregularly, in any capacity. Hurting a woman can take on various forms: Physical, emotional, mental, ect. It's up to the woman to decide if she has been hurt by the Woman Hurter. Usually accompanied by the phrase "It's fine," as stated by the woman.
Doctor Toasty is a regular Woman Hurter, frequently hearing the women he hurts brush aside his actions and words for the sake of avoiding conflict.
And this weekend is double xp weekend for half-Asian women!
Hym "Patron Saint of Woman-Harm! Yeah! Total throwback! Man, it's been ages."
A slut. Particularly one with huge fake tits and a huge fake badonkadonk.
A lady who gets all the guys. The female version of a ladie’s man.
“I’ve never seen any gentlemen’s women portrayed in media ever. I thought I’d see some?” -me
“Erica the gentlemen’s woman gets so much dick she’s living the life” -Stacy
a being (usually a female human, but can be substituted for a male human or other creature for extra irony) who depends on nobody but themselves. They are capable of countless heroic duties and are the main character of their own girl power movie. Typically, they will go to lengths to avoid accepting help, even when most efficient. Their intent on being an independent being with the strength of a gorilla to face hardship and fierceness of a monster is their defining characteristic
Amouranth is such an independent woman gorilla monster