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Bag of bowls in a bubble

When you load a dub or more of clear/crank/ice/crystalmethanfetamine (which could be multiple bowls) in a bubble to vaporize or otherwise smoke.

Yo Will, load that bag of bowls in a bubble

into that there bubble you fucking tweako

by Dodge930 September 20, 2020

angry bubble

When a guy is eating a girl out and she queefs in his mouth expanding his mouth to look like a bubble

She queefed in my mouth and it made a bubble, angry bubble

by Killmeslighly1013 October 30, 2017

Bubble boy

A Bubble boy is a person who gets pissed off easily at anyone, relating their fragile nature to the fragileness of a bubble.

Person 1: You stole my meme, kill yourself fag
Person 2: Ok, Bubble boy

by ProbablyADegenerate May 14, 2021

Bubble boy

He prounces around in his little bubble like nothing is going to hurt him with a silver spoon in his mouth crying to mommy because he's sick

He's a fucKiNg bubble boy

by Thispagewasmadeforme November 24, 2020

bubble boy

imagine having bubbles on your face...


by imagine queen November 5, 2022

Art & Entertainment Bubble

Another form of economic bubble: when everyone invest like a maniac in the art and entertainment industries (music, literature, photography, movies, theatre,

museum, and such)

And like any economic bubbles, it will burst at any time unexpectedly and it drives everyone crazy

Sometimes, parents raised from "collective culture" is right: Don't tempted by an Art & Entertainment Bubble, instead, you need a rock solid profitable work as a backup, so when the art and entertainment industries burst, your sanity is intact

by Sir. B January 4, 2021

Bubble that

A strange Finley Quaye lyric.

From, 'Maverick a Strike'

"Yes eyes
Pick up
Bubble that, yeah
When I come again to take away the pain
Lift up your heart
When I come again to drive away the pain
Lift up your art - I must know"

by Steven Jay Walker August 30, 2006