the embarassing place you find yourself in when someone tricks you into believing something totally outrageous at an unreasonable hour in the morning
Last night when I was talking to Logan on the phone, I was in the deep paso for a good five minutes.
A man will take his entire penis and balls and place them into a womans vagina.
Last weekend after the club I got Sacramento Stones Deep on Becky.
Catarina the sexiest Portuguese beaner that turns into a feigner when she sees my wiener
Guy 1:”Damn whos that?”
Zach:”Thats the deep throater cat last night i smashed and made her show me the car fax.”
Guy 1:” Thats right fool youre a lowk.”
Good nature person, mind player, good at volleyball, loves football, pro player at esports, good in studies, have knowledge of lot of things, athletic. He's good in everything.
Person 1:- How Raman deep is good at everything.
Person 2:- He plays Volleyball very well.
when you're fucking a female with a smelly vagina
Ex 1:
boy#1 - yo how was it last night with samantha??
boy#2- terrible, i was balls deep in caviar!!
Ex 2:
bob - hey frank, i heard you were with my girl last night.
frank - bro you could have her ... last night i was balls deep in caviar dawg.
A Genocide where a white man took over Africa and set all the negros on fire
African deep fry is the new Halocaust
When you stick your balls in a deep fryer and say "blub blub i'm an octopus nigga" and then fuck someone
person: "aye me and this bitch made deep fried squid balls"