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slang for "hey real man"

do not say "ay romaine"

"ay real mayn"
friendly greeting for a close friend.

by nicollee7 May 14, 2008

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I want a real man

What skanks say when thy want a man to financially support them because they donโ€™t have the desire to seek gainful employment. Often they donโ€™t possess the skills or work ethic to hold down a job, but mostly itโ€™s because they are resorting to their skank roots and offering sexual favors in exchange for support because itโ€™s the only thing they know. Often the sexual favors traded are of low quality and most men with the means to support themselves and a female companion will instead find a trophy wife.

Girl A: I am sick of these boys. I want a real man.

Girl B: Me too, I want a man that loves all 300 pounds of me.

by CDC REFUGE September 18, 2018

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Who is the REAL Spider-Man?

The REAL Spider-Man is a Man, Born June 1st, 1984. He is Mulatto (Half Persian, half Cameroonian!) Majored in Psychology, majors in Medicine, currently fighting crime in Romania, he is a proficient speaker of over half a dozen languages, excels at a multitude of sports, including but not limited to, arm-wrestling, MMA, table-tennis, just to name a few. He is the second in a sibship of 6 brothers, and is hiding in plain site, affectionately refered to as Spidey! He is also an avid guitar and chess player.

Who is the REAL Spider-Man? Well, he is responsible for stopping criminals in more counties than one! Sometimes leading to their arrests! At times having to combat several enemies at once, he always emerges victorious.

by Spideyace October 26, 2011

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Is a term used by men who respect themselves and good women.

โ˜† 1. Jumping into Random womenโ€™s in boxes thatโ€™s Predator traits; a big no.

โ˜… 2. A real man not gonna come into a good womon life just to mess it up.
โ˜† 3. A real homie wonโ€™t go behind their homeboys back trying to holler at their women; thatโ€™s a fake friend.

โ˜… 4. A real man donโ€™t want

a woman that another dude Laying up with sexing every night.

โ˜† 5. A Smart man gon ask a Woman respectfully to get STD tested before he goes โ€œraw / naked headโ€ or she can get to Stepping / hoping the feeling{ is Mutual.

If you want a good woman go by the


by MillYentei DYSlick January 2, 2021

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hit the poon and leave real soon

Similar to "Pump and dump" or "Ejaculate and Evacuate". It refers to having sexual intercourse with a woman then leaving immediately after.

"Yo fam last night was dabbin! I was in bed with Caitlin but the cops showed up to the party so I had to hit the poon and leave real soon, you feel?"
"Thats CRAZY!"

by S.money November 20, 2015

When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong

In the act of Keeping it Real, the outcome is unexpected and usually has a negative affect on the individual who decided to keep it real. (See Keeping it Real)

After losing his Job, Frank wrote a paper on, "When keeping it real goes wrong."

by SouthParkChef July 22, 2008

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Real People Time (RPT)

Commonly misconstrued as East Coast Time, Real People Time is in fact based on Pacific Standard Time. Some say this misconception was the basis for much violence in the Hip Hop community beginning in the 1960โ€™s, but others dispute such claims, insisting RPT was not likely coined until 1979 when Stanley "Tookie" Williams, was sentenced to San Quentin Prison in California, and used as a way to discreetly communicate which Coast one represented.

Today however, it is generally used as a Standardized Time Zone (see: Greenwich Mean Time) in order for friends around the country or world to plan remote activities I.e. online gaming.

Text into The Boys message group: Yo! What time are we getting down on some Tribes of Midgard tonight?
Response: I get off work in about 30min, can be gay by 8:00pm Real People Time (RPT)

by Smeekley March 21, 2023

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