it's stupid animations
Hello there Stupid Animations :D Official.
short for "stupid as fuck". To be fucking stupid.
That guy is beyond ignorant, he is stupid af
My horse Tydus is the definition of Fucking Stupid.
Hailey: Do you see Fucking Stupid?
Sarah: Yeah Tydus is in his pen surprisingly
person 1: man i don't like ____ its retarded my option ofc
dynobot:You were banned from Official LazarBeam for 1 day | 1 day ban - r word
person 1 : fucking stupid
when you tell your guy best friend to go for your girl best friend and now they are a thing and you ended up catching feelings but can’t say anything about it cause it was your idea and she’s your best friend
Americans when it comes to Geography
A: *points at Russia* Is that England? English is a county btw.
B: Are you fucking stupid?
guy 1: have you herd of cocomelon
guy 2: oh yeah that stupid ass melon