Local to Hunters Hill Road in Amherst, MA. While on Hunters Hill Road, defecate onto parchment paper and press into a patty shape. Put your patty into the refrigerator and perform an extended Saturday. An extended Saturday consists of staying up all night from Saturday into Sunday. After performing the extended Saturday and before going to sleep on Sunday, pull your patty out of the fridge, air fry to enjoyment, place between buns and enjoy your delicious Hunters Hill Hamburger.
Want to pull an extended Saturday and eat a Hunter’s Hill Hamburger for breakfast?
4👍 1👎
The act of finishing in your partners bum which immediately makes them lose control of bodily functions.
I gave that woman the Hank Hill Special cumb shid and fard everywhere.
King of The Hill (Koth for short) Is a way of superiority, basically being the best or last man standing. If you were the last person at a park, you could say you are the koth.
Frank: I am King of The Hill! cant stop me, eh?
Sky: I guess not!
Felix: He really thinks he is superior?
Olly: Yep, dont ruin his fun i guess.
Best singer in the world. Best dance act 2022. Best album!!
Becky hill is amazing
Several males in the room feeling horny for the same girl but won't advance to her out of respect for each other.
Samantha: Why are those guys at the corner of room laughing at the same joke about someone.
Jhane: "Several People Under the Hill"
Samantha: Ah, gotcha.
Brick Hill Offtopic is the most viewed and posts in Brick Hill Subforums
Me posts about aptaclub in Brick Hill Offtopic
Desert Hills is a town in Arizona otherwise known as Northern Phoenix. it is horse country filled with a bunch of rodeo people. when you walkoutside it smells like horses. it is no where for a amazing artist ,and i would NEVER suggest anyone live here it is about 5 miles from anthem.
Bob- hey bill where are you moving again?
Bill- with my cowboy uncle who lives in the middle of nowhere with his horses. it is some little town named desert hills
Bob- that sucks i would hate to live there